SINAK, PUNCAK | – One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Raider Infantry Battalion 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Puncak Regency, Papua Tengah Province. On Saturday, 14 September 2024, the 323 Task Forces, especially the Sinak Post led by Major Firman Permana, implemented the results of Social Communication with the Sinak Puskesmas (Community Hospital) in organizing a free Polio Vaccination for babies under the age of five in the Sinak District.
In his emphasis on the Soldiers, the Commander of the 323 Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, conveyed the importance of the Task Forces’ attention to the basic necessities of the community around the Post. Therefore, since its assignment in Papua, the Sinak Post has conducted Social Communication with stakeholders in its Area of Responsibility to follow up on the emphasis. At the beginning of September, Major Firman met the Head of the Sinak Puskesmas, Mr Agustus Murib, regarding health problems experienced by the Sinak residents. Their discussion agreed to hold free Polio Vaccination for Papuan babies to improve their immunity. The two parties also decided to have the occasion on Saturday at the Sinak Puskesmas.
After preparations, the Soldiers with Puskesmas Health Workers were ready to conduct the free Polio Vaccination at the location. Not long after, Papuan Mothers flocked to the area to get free Polio vaccines for their babies. After the activity, a Papuan Mother named Ester Uamang said, “Thank you, Commander 323. Our children have been vaccinated with free Polio Vaccination. God bless.”
Upon receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, commended the 323 Task Forces’ initiative to provide free Polio Vaccination for babies under the age of five in the Sinak District. His words: “The 323 Task Forces’ initiative is a testament to TNI’s commitment to provide the community’s basic need to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region.” This recognition from the highest authority in HABEMA is not just a commendation but a testament to the significant impact of such initiatives on the region’s development. It instills profound hope and optimism about their potential to positively shape the region’s future. It makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized, valued, and respected for their efforts. It gives everyone a sense of hope and optimism about the region’s future development.
Kerma Habema Dan Puskesmas Sinak Tingkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh Balita Papua
SINAK, PUNCAK | – Satuan Tugas Batalyon Infanteri (Satgas Yonif) Raider 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, salah satu Satuan Jajaran Komando Operasi HABEMA di Papua, tengah melaksanakan tugas Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan Mobil RI-PNG, di wilayah Kabupaten Puncak, Provinsi Papua Tengah. Pada hari Sabtu, 14 September 2024, Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad, khususnya Pos Sinak pimpinan Mayor Inf Firman Permana, merealisasikan hasil Komunikasi Sosial dengan pihak Puskesmas Sinak dalam menyelenggarakan kegiatan Imunisasi Polio Gratis bagi anak-anak Balita di wilayah Distrik Sinak.
Dalam penekanannya kepada para Prajurit TNI, Komandan Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad, Letkol Inf Tri Wiratno, menyampaikan pentingnya perhatian Satgas kepada kebutuhan dasar masyarakat di sekitar Pos. Oleh sebab itu, sejak penugasannya di Papua, Pos Sinak telah melakukan Komunikasi Sosial dengan berbagai pihak di wilayah tanggung jawabnya guna menindaklanjuti penekanan tersebut. Pada awal bulan September, Mayor Inf Firman bertatap muka dengan Kepala Puskesmas Sinak, Bapak Agustus Murib, terkait permasalahan bidang Kesehatan di wilayah Distrik Sinak. Pasca diskusi, disepakati waktu dan tempat pelaksanaan Imunisasi Polio Gratis untuk meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh anak-anak Balita di wilayah Distrik Sinak pada hari Sabtu di Puskesmas Sinak.
Setelah persiapan selesai dilaksanakan, para Prajurit TNI bersama para Tenaga Kesehatan Puskesmas siap untuk melaksanakan kegiatan Imunisasi Polio. Tidak lama kemudian, para Mama Papua berbondong-bondong mendatangi Puskesmas Sinak guna mendapatkan pelayanan Posyandu Balita bagi anak-anak mereka. Usai kegiatan, seorang Mama warga Kampung Mogulu, bernama Ester Uamang, berkata “Terima kasih Komandan 323, anak kita sudah dilayani Imunisasi Polio. Tuhan memberkati“.
“Inisiatif Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad bekerjasama dengan Puskesmas Sinak dalam menyelenggarakan pelayanan Imunisasi Polio Gratis kepada anak-anak Balita Distrik Sinak, merupakan upaya TNI memberikan pelayanan kebutuhan dasar, khususnya bidang Kesehatan, dalam rangka mendukung percepatan pembangunan di wilayah Papua”, ungkap Panglima HABEMA, Brigjen TNI Lucky Avianto, pasca menerima laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan.